Don’t let your employees navigate their health alone.

Gift your team one-on-one personal care.

Biocoach is the premier HR benefit, ensuring every employee is supported and engaged in their health.

We deliver superhuman care with our Certified Coaching and Member Care Team. We work hard to make sure your health spend stretches as far as possible and drive results through personalized engagement and support.

Our Program.

We are a one-stop shop for driving meaningful improvements in your organization’s health. With Biocoach, you get way more than coaching. You get personal, one-on-one everyday care.

With the Biocoach Program you get:

➜ Plan Design & Population Assessment

➜ The Innovative Mobile App

➜ Custom Meal Plans, Recipes, and Grocery Lists

➜ Certified Coaching & Care Team

➜ Expert-led Masterclasses

➜ Member Performance & Utilization Reporting

Not only do we have the most innovative mobile health app, but we’ve partnered with Instacart to bring nutritional guidance and support to new heights. Our state-of-the-art meal planner creates highly customized meal plans, recipes, and grocery lists for each member. And with the tap of a button, a week’s worth of groceries will be delivered right to your member’s door. And the best part? They can earn free grocery coupons with our Instacart FreshFunds program. Learn more

We deeply understand the importance of preventative care, especially when it comes to metabolic health. With Biocoach, not only do you get targeted programs for GLP-1, Diabetes, Prediabetes, and more, but your full population gets a board-certified health coach and access to our weight loss and metabolism programming as well. Getting your employees personally engaged in their healthcare is the best way to spread wellness across your organization. And it all starts here. Learn more

With our CDC-backed National Diabetes Prevention Program, we are leading the way in diabetes prevention and reversal. Our virtual classes and in-depth coaching protocols are built to guide your employees with prediabetes toward sustainable and meaningful lifestyle changes while lowering their A1C and stabablizing blood glucose levels. Now, all your members get full access to the program. Learn more

Managing the costs and care of GLP-1 medications can be a difficult challenge for any organization. So we’ve designed a suite of tools to help you properly budget and control for GLP-1 coverage, while making sure every employee is properly cared for and supported on their weight loss journey. Learn more

Let us care for your teammates, so you can get back to business.

In the News.